Warming up this Winter

As you are gearing up for Christmas, our pets and streeties gear up for the cold! Though some of us love the winters - the breeze, the cold, the fog, it can be a particularly difficult time for our canine companions especially those who don’t have a place to call home. Here are some things we can do this winter to help them feel warm and safe.
1. Make sure your pet has a warm bed with enough bedding and blankets. Though sleeping on the floor may be perfectly acceptable in the summers it does leave them cold and sore in the winters. This extends to dogs, cats and even rabbits who are not equipped to deal with the colder months of the year. Please use all your extra blankets and beddings to build makeshift shelters or hotspots for your neighbourhood dogs and cats who are bearing the cold alone.
2. Just like us, animals too need energy to survive the cold weather. A change in diet to include soya bean, chicken and eggs helps to better utilise their energy. Dogs, when hungry, cannot use their body's warmth to help themselves- so make sure the dogs and cats on your street do not go hungry. They would really appreciate a bowl of lukewarm milk and glucose biscuits to give them an energy boost.
3. During very cold and wet winters, both dogs and cats can suffer from swelling in their paws. You can treat it using Betadine and salt to give them relief and by putting on socks. Dogs and cats lose heat from their ears and feet.
4. Check the hood of your car before you turn it on because it could very well be home to a cat or dog seeking shelter. It is not uncommon for both cats and dogs to seek warmth under the warm engines of our car, the least we can do is knock and politely ask them to move before we drive away. To help this we can build makeshift shelters for them at our gates or in our driveways.
5. Keep your pet indoors more! Though dogs need exercise and love their walk-time, walks should be kept short and brisk so that they conserve their body heat. If your dog has a lot of energy increase the frequency of the walks not the duration! There are a lot of indoor games you can access online to keep them exercised and stimulated.
6. If you have a cat companion make sure you keep his/her litter tray inside and you’ll be surprised how much time your cat actually wants to spend next to you in the warmth of your body heat!
7. You get absolutely adorable woolens and sweaters for dogs and cats which will ensure they have a warm winter. You also get cheap but good quality woolens for streeties made by several NGOs to help them get through the cold months.
So remember to make it a great Christmas for every member of your family and extend the family to include your local animals. If you have a pet story, business or addiction write to us with topics you would like to see or if you would like to be featured on our blog and we will get back to you! Happy holidays!
Posted on December 10 2020