Rescued Dogs Find Their Forever Homes

A number of stray dogs that have recently been rescued in India have now been able to finally find their forever homes. One of them, known as Kittu, was a 2 year old stray that had eventually been rescued from the streets. She is now living in Florida after she was adopted by a US national that had been traveling through India on a vacation at the end of last year. While they were driving the new owner of Kittu admits that they had personally rescued the dog when they noticed it on the road. They found her severely injured, though they didn't notice any puppies at the time. Kittu was treated and eventually traveled to Florida where she will remain with her forever home now. It was thanks to the help of Stray Dog Support Inc that the pair were able to make the trip to Florida. Poochies Pet Rescue, Inc, took Kittu into their rescue.
A variety of dogs have been rescued in India, there are many more as well that also need help. Thanks to non-governmental organizations that are working hard to save these animals, many of them have been able to find more care and love. Two other dogs, known as Monkey (Picabo) and Paavan, have also been rescued and eventually made their way to better forever homes. Getting off the streets for good and getting daily love from new owners.
One Facebook group, known as Stray Dog Support Inc, dedicates a great deal of time to sharing stories about animals that might need help, those that are looking for adoption etc. They are dedicated to helping the many dogs that are in need of help, that still need to be saved. They are left vulnerable and wandering the streets until they can find a rescue.
Stray Dog Support is dedicated to offering financial support to those rescuers who need to help animals, the various at-risk dogs that they come across. Those dogs need basic medical care and food, this requires a great deal of help. Not only that but they also help with the transport of dogs across international boundaries too. Thanks to non-governmental organizations that are working in this space, dozens of dogs have been saved and sent to live in forever homes in countries like Canada and the United States, the UK and elsewhere. A number of those dogs are special needs and dozens are orphans, now hopefully living bright and peaceful lives with all the love and attention that they need. These workers associated with those organizations are dedicated to helping those who cannot help themselves and they've been doing a great job of it.
What these organizations are essentially helping to do is to change the perception of the wildly undervalued Indian pariah dog, that many in India have no interest for. However, people all over the world value these dogs, and those groups helping them are saving their lives with their efforts. Looking for expensive breeds of dogs, as many Indians are allegedly known to do, isn't always the better course to take. The Indian pariah dog is just as capable, loving, able etc, would make just as great a companion as any other dog.
Source: Times Of India, Wikipedia, Stray Dog Support, Poochie's Pet Rescue